The CM Punk chant is the one chant that seems to attract the most attention from those watching at home. Some fans complain that these chants are disrespectful to the current workers, others say it represents how far the product has fallen off.
CM Punk is, undoubtedly, one of the biggest stars in the WWE of the past 15 years and his absence from the company has left a void that cannot be filled. That's why thousands of fans have refused to accept his departure.
At his peak, he was branded as the voice of the voiceless, however, now he is the one who is voiceless. Despite losing his first UFC bout in humiliating fashion, fans across America still continue chanting the 38-year old's name at WWE live events.
Here are five reasons why we still hear CM Punk chants in the WWE.
#5 His return is a possibility
Fans are usually more inclined to something happening if it is a possibility. In the past, we've seen horrendous breakups between the WWE and their top stars, which have then been resolved in fairytale returns. Hogan, Austin, Ultimate Warrior, Batista have all left on bad terms with the company but still come back unexpectedly.
Vince's methods and approaches to top talents have resulted in several backstage arguments, and CM Punk was just another casualty of this environment. Worse breakups have happened, and more shocking returns have occurred, in light of everything, CM Punk returning to the squared circle really wouldn't be that shocking, would it?
#4 He was the cornerstone of the WWE
Alongside John Cena, CM Punk was the cornerstone of the company from 2011 onwards. When you remove one of the cornerstones of a building, the whole foundation begins to shake. For several years, Punk was one of, if not, the main reasons fans across the World tuned in to watch WWE.
He was a selling point of several PPVs, network specials and Wrestlemanias. His name was synonymous with the brand, and he carried the burden of being a top draw excellently. If you weren't interested in Cena's matches, you were most probably excited for Punk's bout instead. He provided an alternative to what the WWE perceived as entertaining.
#3 The current babyfaces suck
When your current product isn't as good as your old one, of course, the fans are going to crave for the old product. If you look at Raw today, you'll be hard pressed to find a main event babyface that anybody cares about at the moment. Roman Reigns is dull, repetitive and not charismatic, while Seth Rollins is not firing on all cylinders, yet.
Fans chant the straight-edge wrestler's name because they desire his entertaining presence and detest the boring stuff they have to endure right now. In every era, fans need a top star that captivates the masses, with Cena on his way to Hollywood; the WWE Universe don't have this at the moment.
So they chant for the one who could bring back edginess to the show.
#2 Out of disdain for Triple H
Triple H’s untouchable presence in the back has led to the 14-time World Champion flexing his muscles on several occasions. Triple H embodies Vince's idea of a top guy, he's big, handsome and jacked, everything Punk isn't.
And it's clear that Hunter allowed this concept to get to his head in terms of his attitude towards others.
After Punk left in 2014, he went on his good friend Colt Cabana's podcast and voiced some scathing revelations about the COO. Claiming that the Game never liked him since his debut, tried to get him fired and that the company sent him his severance letters on his wedding day. All this adds up to bad blood and blatant animosity.
So to get under the skin of the Authority figure, fans chant Punk's name at him at every opportunity.
#1 He was the most exciting personality since the Attitude Era
Remember how Austin used to leave viewers on the edge of their seats in anticipation of his next move. CM Punk took on this role and took it to new heights. In an era of PG programming, the shock value of WWE has gone down significantly. Punk went against the grain to provide shock.
He went against the company's idea of a top star; his rise to the top was made to feel authentic and not programmed by Vince.
He was allowed the same freedom Cena was granted, and undoubtedly trumped him from time to time. When one man has so much company backing, and another man comes out of the blue with no support to reach his level, you know something special has occurred.
He was charismatic, awe-inspiring, controversial and entertaining. He gave people that Attitude Era feel, where you truly didn't know what he was going to say every time he picked up a mic.
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