#4 Lack of passion
Brock Lesnar’s in-ring style, that has increasingly come under scrutiny over the past month or two, has been characterised as lazy, exceedingly stiff and reckless. While these are adjectives that WWE Superstars would be loath to be associated with, Brock Lesnar – on the other hand – revels in that space.
He has made no bones about the fact that his allegiance lies with the width of his purse, and that he possesses no passion as such for the industry. His working style in the ring only backs that notion up.
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It’s clear that Brock Lesnar doesn’t care enough for the squared circle, as indeed he doesn’t for the Octagon, which generally leads to nuclear heat amongst the fans that see the other WWE Superstars and fighters shed their blood, sweat, and tears in pursuit of greatness in their respective disciplines.
Only, at far lesser remuneration that what Lesnar demands, and quite distastefully for many, also receives.