#2 There are no credible challengers left for Brock Lesnar

Since breaking the Undertaker’s immortal Wrestlemania streak, Lesnar has been bulldozing his way through legends and superstars like a runaway freight train. But there is one superstar that Brock hasn’t faced and has a legit claim for a Universal Title match, that man is Finn Balor. However, due to recent rumours that Vince McMahon is against the idea of this feud, we might not get to witness this dream match.
Ironically it was WWE that had seamlessly sabotaged Balor’s rock star momentum. By being booked into terrible storylines and unnecessary squash matches, Balor posing a threat to Lesnar is low. WWE have now booked themselves into a corner. As every credible main event talent on Raw in 2017, has been “beaten, victimised and conquered” by Lesnar. That is where Reigns steps in.
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