#3 Roman Reigns' current position in the WWE Universe

Ever since the big dog won the 2015 Royal Rumble match, his status with the WWE Universe went from popular to extremely polarising. Although Reigns had a rough time fully connecting with the crowd, there were rare instances where he had truly invoked that desired babyface reaction.
One of those current instances is due to WWE smartly reforming The Shield. The reunion of the hounds of justice clearly benefited Reigns tremendously. While he may still have his detractors, the majority of the WWE Universe evidently approve his Intercontinental Title reign. Therefore, WWE must “strike while the iron is hot”.
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Evident from past incidents, this is the ideal time when Reigns is presented as a merciless wrestler with no regard for his opponent. Lesnar’s Universal Title reign has seen many main event talents suffer defeat. Therefore, being the only legitimate threat to the beast, Reigns must once again step up as the ruthless opponent he truly is. And with the majority of the crowd supporting him, WWE must capitalise on this rare opportunity.
Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar is a case of; rock-solid booking vs rock-solid booking. WWE have done a fantastic job of building up the F5 as a legitimate match ending finisher. No one man has kicked out of the F5 this year not even Reigns. Therefore, at the Royal Rumble, the match is really 50-50 booking. As WWE have built these two men up as an “unstoppable force meeting an immovable object”.