#3 Strowman's promo skills

It's no secret that promos are a part of telling a story and while Braun Strowman used to be magnificent on the microphone in small doses, he has started to stumble a bit as the company focuses more attention onto him. Beyond that, the new catchphrases they are trying to stick him with are pretty hit and miss at best and cringe-worthy at worst.
Not only was that evident by his "beastie boy," comment during The first Raw of 2019, but also by the catchphrases the company keeps loading him up with. If nothing else, the company needs to either get someone better to write for Strowman or eliminate him from the title picture completely, which they seem to be hinting towards.
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In the end, WWE can't tell a good story with someone as unnatural on the microphone as Strowman is at times and that's just another reason why Lesnar will ultimately retain his title at The Royal Rumble.
Of course, things can always change and WWE could make progress on his microphone skills during that time, but there's not a lot of time left for that to happen.