#4 Elevating a B pay-per-view
When you are doing two pay-per-views every month, with little to distinguish one from the other, you stand the risk of losing out on fan interest. While gimmick pay-per-views have their own charm, because of the matches or stipulations involved, a standard B pay-per-view such as Payback, or Backlash, or Battleground is hardly a talking point among casual fans. To make the pay-per-view feel more special than usual, WWE needed a hook to draw in the fans. What better way to achieve this than by promoting a Punjabi Prison match?
Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is that declining viewership suggests that fans are slowly losing interest in the current WWE product. When the stars themselves are not a draw anymore, bringing back concepts from an era that fans remember more fondly can pique their interest and get them talking on social media.