#4 Exceptional gift of the gab
Knowing your character is a useless trait unless you can execute this talent and create compelling segments too. Enzo Amore is a man with impeccable microphone skills, even if his in-ring skills are a bit lacking.
His delivery is on point, and even when he goes up against a WWE Hall of Famer like Kurt Angle, Enzo Amore is a man that never falters at all. As a result of the same, he has inserted the 'entertainment' aspect of sports entertainment in a division that was just about the in-ring product alone.
The biggest matches become 'must watch affairs' when there is a compelling feud that makes people tune in and get invested. This can only be achieved through the microphone and through good storytelling.
With someone as talented on the microphone as Enzo Amore is, it is easier to tell stories and get people to tune in and watch the action that is unfolding.