Growing up in the 1980's, I was certainly privy to some great wrestling memories. My grandmother first sat me in front of a TV screen to watch wrestling in the early 80's, just as the phenomena known as "Hulkamania" was set to officially run wild. I was immediately hooked. From the first time I watched Hulk Hogan, I instantly wanted to rip my shirt, say my prayers and take someone's vitamins.
The Hulkamania Era was a very important part of my childhood. Most of my good memories as a child are centered around Hulk Hogan or something else associated with professional wrestling. As I grew older, I remained a staunch fan of the sport, despite the eventual revelation that the matches were pre-determined. Nothing can expel the love I have for this industry and the respect I have for the men and women who sacrifice their bodies for the sake of my entertainment.
When the news broke of Hulk Hogans sex scandal, I was pretty disappointed in the Hulkster. However, when the details broke which explained more of the truth surrounding the situation, I got over it pretty quickly. Afterall, his bedroom life is really none of my concern. But then there was the real blow- the leaked audio surfaced which recorded Hogan using some racially insensitive verbiage. This was the fatal shot, so-to-speak and when it was all said and done, Hulk Hogan was terminated from his WWE contract, thus bringing an abrupt end to his big comeback tour.
Since his departure from WWE, Hogan has been on a mission to make sure the entire world knew he was truly apologetic and that he was sincere about accepting 100% responsibility for his actions. While some have accepted his apology, there are those who have yet to accept his words of remorse. In fact, some likely never will accept an apology from Hogan as they feel his damage is too severe for forgiveness.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
In recent weeks, there have been several reports suggesting that Hulk Hogan is in talks with WWE officials regarding a potential comeback. With that said, do you feel Hulk Hogan should be welcomed back?
In this column, I give you 5 reasons why WWE officials should welcome Hogan back with open arms.
#5 He has accepted his faults

If you really think about all of the celebrities in recent history who have found themselves in some sort of hot water, you'll easily find some who have blatantly denied their accusers, no matter how damning the evidence may be against them. That was certainly not the case for Hulk Hogan once the reports surfaced of his racially insensitive remarks. While Hogan could have taken the easy route and simply refused comment, or perhaps he could have shot down the accusations, stating that the leaked audio was only a brief snippet, taken from a long, complicated, personal conversation.
Regardless of the options that may have been available, The Hulkster faced his demons head-on. Hogan has not avoided the gigantic elephant in the room. In fact, he faces it head-on and has been 100% open and apologetic with the public and his fans.
At the end of the day, Hogan made some horrible decisions to use some absolutely deplorable remarks. However, he cannot take those words back, the damage has been done and he knows that. When you listen to him speak on the topic, you can see the regret in his eyes. At some point, do we finally let go and accept his apology as sincere?
#4 History restored...

In 2005, the stars aligned perfectly and the world watched as Hulk Hogan finally accepted his rightful place, enshrined in the WWE Hall of Fame. After all of the magical years, all of the tickets that he sold and all of the history that has been made...Hulk Hogan was immortalized at last.
In the days and weeks following the release of the leaked audio, not only did WWE officials terminate Hogans contract, but they also removed his name, image, and likeness from all WWE programming and other media related materials. But the biggest blow came when the company removed him from the WWE Hall of Fame. Since then, Hogan has made it his mission to not only apologize to the fans who he let down, but he also desires to gain our trust once again and to let us know that he is willing to do whatever it takes to get his job back, as well earn his place back in the WWE Hall of Fame.
We are now starting to see more and more images of Hogan appearing in various WWE promos and other forms of WWE media. It's only right that Hogan is welcomed back into the Hall of Fame and that all of his accolades once again be acknowledged. History simply runs too deep when it comes to all Hulk Hogan has done and all of those he has inspired.
#3 The industry has spoken

When the news broke of the leaked audio, most of the WWE Superstars and alumni all remained pretty quiet regarding the situation. Most wanted to give it some time and allow the facts to surface, which was a good idea, to begin with. But with that said, there were also those select few on both sides who offered their vocal input very prematurely. There were some who defended Hogan, but there were also those who condemned him as well. The only common issue they both shared, was that neither side allowed for time to let the facts come to the surface.
In the months since all of the facts were revealed and Hogan was allowed to speak his peace regarding the leaked audio, there have been an overwhelming number professional wrestlers both current, as well as from the past, who have decided to not only forgive The Hulkster, but they have also been vocal in stating that Hulk Hogan was, in fact, not a racist.
One of the Superstars who has spoken in support of Hogan is WWE Hall of Famer Booker T. A while back, Booker was asked about the situation and here's what he said-
Hulk Hogan made a mistake. Every man deserves a second chance. If he gets back in, I'm gonna support him 100%, because I remember being that kid in WCW and he supported me 100%.
#2 Redemption

It's no secret that there is a certain degree of unfinished business that Hulk Hogan needs to take care of and the only way he can tend to this business is if he is reinstated and brought back into the fold. Hogan needs to go into the locker room and look each and every WWE Superstar directly in the eye and offer his most sincere apology. Not only that but afterward, he needs to spend a little extra time with each person of color and convince them that he is not the animal that he has been made out to be.
WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry has been very vocal regarding his opinion on whether or not Hogan should be allowed back. Henry grew up as a huge Hulk Hogan fan and this whole ordeal has impacted him severely. Henry has expressed his disappointment and has also mentioned his opinion on what steps Hulk needs to take in order to be welcomed back. Essentially, Mark wants Hogan to address all of the African American Superstars and staff individually. He feels there is still some closure that needs to take place, but in order for that to happen, there must first be forgiveness.
I am a firm believer that time has a magical way of healing all wounds. However, this situation is one that will certainly take some legwork on behalf of the Hulkster himself. Luckily for him, I don't believe that anyone within the company has closed the book on him just yet. But, the work needs to begin sooner, rather than later.
#1 For the fans

We have reached our top spot, which ultimately belongs to us, the fans. For those of us who grew up during the famed Hulkamania, you know all too well just how important that period of time is, not only for us as fans, but for the business itself.
As previously mentioned, Hulk Hogan has admitted his sins, openly apologized and has practically begged for forgiveness. If we don't forgive and allow for healing, then when will we? Will the time ever be right?
Hulkamania was much more than just a catchphrase. It was a movement, a way of life and an identity. Hulkamania was a way to connect and to celebrate. WWE officials owe it to the fans, to allow the red and yellow tidal wave to sweep around the world once again. At the end of the day, it's not about any one individual. It's about the history and the fans who embraced this magical era. It would truly be a shame if we were not allowed to celebrate the spirit of what Hulkamania meant to us all.