#3 You want to know what happens next

When Jason Jordan and Chad Gable were on and off our screens during their time on SmackDown, did you want to know what happened to them next? Perhaps you did, but you knew whatever was coming wasn’t exactly going to be spectacular.
However, now that he’s on Raw and involved in a storyline with his Hall of Famer ‘father’ Kurt Angle, do you want to know what happens to him next? Maybe the answer is no, but the chances are that you’re probably keen to see what WWE decides to do with the Jordan character.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
Is he a future champion? Is he a future, or perhaps even current, main-eventer? Or will the company decide that this whole experiment has been a disaster and is he on the verge of being dropped from major storylines for good?
Whatever happens, Jordan is more relevant now than he’s ever been in his career, and that can only be a good thing.