#4 Working around his flaws
Okay, so even the most hardcore of Roman Reigns fans among you would agree that his microphone skills don’t set the world on fire.
Of late, however, if you’d cared to notice, he doesn’t seem to need them as much.
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Perhaps WWE Creative wisened up and decided that it’s a lost cause or, much more likely, he’s learned to adapt and say more by saying less. For instance, that post-WrestleMania Raw one-liner...”This is my yard now” * mic drop*... was an absolute killer.
He’s not exactly a heel, although the feelers are certainly there, but he’s definitely not the clean cut babyface who needs to make affirming speeches every week either. In other words, he’s morphed his character to fit the mould of the ‘silent muscle’ and still be as over as he is. (FYI, getting thunderously booed still does count as being over)
Long story short, adaptation is a trait of great pro wrestlers – something his former Shield brothers, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, would do well to learn.