#4 He’s just too ‘marketable’
The ‘smart’ fans in attendance might enjoy booing Roman out of the park, but there is so much more to being a WWE Superstar than just the wrestling – particularly if you want to be a top talent. Roman is a good looking guy and has the right sort of build for a WWE main eventer, which means he looks great on talk shows and printed on billboards and posters.
Plus, WWE marketing has already made such a big deal out of him being a family man who loves his wife and daughter.
He’s a million miles away from the ‘free-styling, pro-filing’ lifestyle of Ric Flair, and he’s already turned down several requests to join the Authority owing to the fact that he’s more motivated by wrestling than money. To turn him heel and have him talking like The Miz or Brock Lesnar (I’m only here to make money and be a star) would just feel strange.
Plus, it’s a well-known fact that babyfaces sell more merchandise than heels, and I assume Vince has big plans for making a lot of money out of Roman Reigns in the next few years. Turning the guy heel might seem like it’s best for the fans, but it probably wouldn’t be best for business.