#2 There is a booking tightrope that is being done with him
Reigns does not present himself in promos the same way as the ‘Leader of the Cenation’ does. Among John Cena's strengths is his ability to articulate how it is okay for fans to cheer and boo as much and as often as they want; it sometimes appears as though he even encourages it.
For Reigns, the jeers can at times be so overwhelming that it is difficult for him to convey what he wants. He has frequently said, “I'm not a bad guy, I'm not a good guy, I'm THE GUY.” Though that does show how effectively he works and commits each week.
This isn't to say that if Reigns approached promos the way Cena does that his reaction would be the same. It appears management will weave Reigns in and out of main event storylines at their discretion, for fear of oversaturating the programming with Reigns week after week.
As it stands, he is booked to be a face, and the company probably wants to keep it that way for a little while.