#1 A Reigns-Joe alliance just doesn't seem right

So let's consider the possibility that Joe has actually turned babyface and is genuinely concerned for the well being of his arch-rival Roman Reigns. What would all of this lead to?
The logical course of action on the part of WWE's creative team would be to make Reigns align with Joe and find out who attacked him. This storyline seems ridiculous in the sense that an alliance between Samoa Joe and Roman Reigns just doesn't scream exciting.
With Reigns being pushed as a lone wolf top guy, this alliance wouldn't even last for long and The Big Dog would go his own way soon, leaving a babyface Joe on his own, dangling again on the mid-card.
What does make sense is that Joe could align with Reigns, the mystery attackers could be revealed as Daniel Bryan and Rowan, which would be followed by a tag team match where Joe could turn on Reigns and form an alliance with the villains.