3). He's getting stale in the WWE
Suplex. Suplex. F5. Pin. Disappear for months on end. Appear again with Paul Heyman and look menacing. Repeat.
This has been Brock Lesnar's WWE mantra for the past....well, ever since he came back on the episode of Raw following WrestleMania 28. And frankly speaking, it's gotten stale.
Amidst very valid questions of whether his heart is in it at all, the fact that he's also holding up the Universal Championship from being defended on a regular basis is also hurting the product.
Yes, he's an obscenely over big money draw. But Vince McMahon has to realize that he's holding back the likes of Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Samoa Joe and Braun Strowman from occupying that spot.
Can any of them be a bigger star than him? Only time will tell.
But will they be better Champions? Almost certainly.
And at some point, the importance placed on the latter will start superseding the former. It's not a question of if, but just when.