#2 No gear is needed to do DDPY
Many people's fitness programs revolve around weights and related accessories. Other people's fitness programs are centered around plugged-in exercise equipment. Imagine a fitness program where the only item needed beyond that aforementioned Internet-enabled device is your body and you pretty much have DDPY.
Sure, you would be best served to have a yoga mat and a bottle of water near you when you are doing DDPY. You also will find more comfort if you are doing your workout on a map. But when it comes to how and where you do DDPY, as regularly said by Diamond Dallas Page within these workouts, you "make it your own."
Some of the beginner workouts of DDPY are meant to be done in bed. But even the most advanced of DDPY workouts are not centered around dumbells, bands or other resistance-related devices which you would ultimately need to purchase and have on-hand. Instead, DDPY -- which can indeed be done alongside other people -- just calls for you to show up and bring your "A Game" when it's time to work out.