#2 Dolph Ziggler loves to work pro wrestling fans
There are some pro wrestlers who always seem to be in "work" mode, and Dolph Ziggler is definitely one of those wrestlers.
His Twitter handle remains "Heel Ziggler", and he certainly enjoys playing the heel role both in the ring and on social media.
When Dolph Ziggler is not wrestling, he is keeping himself busy by doing standup comedy, improv comedy, and making appearances on television. With that in mind, it's clear that Ziggler loves to entertain, and his in-ring persona definitely comes through on his social media channels.
Ziggler's comments on Twitter following the Goldberg altercation in Vegas made reference to Goldberg hurting himself at WWE Super Showdown, and in reality, WWE has learned from that debacle which is why Goldberg vs Ziggler was a quick squash. Ziggler using social media to capitalize on the media scrutiny of Goldberg vs The Undertaker was a great way to keep the heat alive between him and Goldberg, and also fueled the internet fire which Ziggler loves to do.
Besides, if the altercation was a shoot, why was the cameraman in "perfect position" to capture all of the action as it went down? In a perfect medium two-shot, nonetheless.