#4 Leading to a Universal Championship program
So, Paul Heyman recently informed us that Brock Lesnar was out of the Universal Championship program for good. Lesnar will make a return when he does, but I wonder if he really needs a Universal Championship program when he eventually comes back. Any program that he returns for is guaranteed to be a big deal anyway.
In any case, WWE is not even making the fact that Strowman vs. Rollins is the Universal Championship match subtle. Strowman has been eyeing the Universal Championship whether it's in the backstage area or even up the ramp, while he holds another title. The fact that the two men are Champions will get them to interact more, leading to the eventual feud I presume.
One unfortunate side effect of this is that the RAW Tag Team picture will take a backseat for now. The actual tag teams may be forgotten in the process of building up the Universal Championship picture.