Braun Strowman was written off television indefinitely after the July 1st episode of RAW. He was involved in a Falls Count Anywhere with Bobby Lashley and naturally, the battle of the two behemoths went outside the ring and right through the LED board.
We've seen people crash through the LED board but we have never seen anything like this. The electrical fuses went off and it sure was a sight to behold. Both Strowman and Lashley were written off, but we do believe that Lashley will return in short order.
As for Strowman, it maybe a bit longer. There were reports just a couple of days prior that he was dealing with nagging injuries either to the knee or leg. While it's not uncommon for WWE superstars to work through injuries, WWE probably made the best decision to write him off TV and allow him to heal for a bit.
However, this injury may not benefit Strowman at all. He's had some of the worst luck in 2019 and we unfortunately believe that his push is officially over and that he will never get the kind of push that he got in 2017-2018. Here are five reasons why he'll never be pushed again.
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#5. The Giant's curse

If you are to ask yourself: "Who is the greatest big man in WWE history?" - the answer is probably going to be The Undertaker or Andre The Giant. Not that WWE have never had any great "Big Men" before, but the reality is that they really don't have much of an idea as to how to book big men.
The Big Show himself admitted that WWE never knew how to book him. Think about this. Hardly a month into his WWF run, he was pinned clean by 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin on an episode of RAW. That would make fans outraged today and Strowman just inevitably fell victim to WWE's inability to properly book big men.
#4. He has cooled off significantly

Didn't it feel like yesterday when Braun Strowman was the single hottest star in all of WWE? Between August 2016 and December 2018, Strowman was on an absolute tear. For a majority of that period, especially between mid-2017 to early 2018, he was without a doubt the hottest star in the company.
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He was booked like the monster he is and he simply wreaked havoc without really saying much. He got over organically and turned babyface at the right time. It was WWE's failure to capitalize on it that inevitably cooled him down.
Now that he hasn't been hot for many months, it's very likely that the company feels as though it was more his fault and pulled the rug from underneath. Since they're not able to capitalize now, they probably feel it's pointless to try.
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#3. Braun Strowman has a very general role now

In WWE, it's simply a fact that every superstar has their role. It's not like nothing can be done about it, but the cases where superstars rise from the bottom to the top are few and far between.
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Braun Strowman was a legitimate main event player in 2017-2018 and he could have been the top star for a while to come. However, we all know what happened and now he's fallen down the pecking order.
As a result, creative and management simply seem to view Strowman as "the monster" on their show and nothing else. Obviously, he'll be utilised like a big man for the rest of his career but it won't be surprising to see him stick to his place and be given only that role. When you have just one role, your career stagnates.
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#2. Other superstars that Vince McMahon is interested in

Since Strowman got hot, there have been quite a few NXT superstars who have been called up and multiple other WWE stars who have been getting a big push. The WWE roster on both brands keeps increasing by the year, especially given the number of superstars they have from NXT just waiting to get called up to the main roster.
For example, Ricochet is one superstar who WWE clearly intends to push heavily. He might just be a future World Champion as well and since he isn't a giant, he seems to stand a better chance, which is ironic given that WWE was once known as "The land of the giants".
With multiple other superstars filling the roster and newer names to be pushed, it's clear that the focus has been taken off of Strowman and put on other superstars.
#1. No brand split = no reason to push Strowman

One of the major things about the brand split was the fact that it made the concept of brand exclusivity have meaning and feel special again. The fact that you could only see superstars on one particular brand meant that when there was a crossover of any sorts, it genuinely felt like it was something big and special.
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Moreover, the brand split allowed WWE to compartmentalise superstars and prioritise a set of them. It gave more opportunities for other superstars to shine and all of that came crashing down when the Wild Card rule was introduced.
4 superstars became many and eventually, WWE simply stopped trying with the brand split. It's a real shame because Strowman was one such superstar who benefited greatly from being a RAW-exclusive name. Now that there is no brand split, there doesn't seem to be a reason for WWE to focus on him as much.