#3 The days of Bray Wyatt are over

This may be a tough pill to swallow - Bray Wyatt's best days are probably behind him.
Minor alterations, like the instant fail that was his 'Sister Abigail' alter-ego have only worsened his stance in the eyes of fans who once labeled him as innovative and unique due to his gimmick which was a welcome change from the status quo in WWE.
Wyatt was looking good being booked as a tag team champion with Matt Hardy. Their title reign got over this past Sunday at the hands of The B-Team. WWE has a long history of misusing incredibly talented stars, and it looks like Wyatt is the next one to fit that bill, with his best days clearly behind him and little chance of that changing.
There are no clear-cut storylines or feuds lined up for him, and with more talent making its way to the main roster, it will be difficult for Wyatt to stand out.