#1 No longer has the same effect

Let's be honest here.
While a win against John Cena still means something in today's WWE, it doesn't nearly mean as much as it used to when he was the company's top guy.
In fact, between being gone to shoot movies all the time and bringing brought back for one offs on occasion, Cena as a superstar just doesn't offer the same value that he once did.
Of course that's not Cena's fault, its just a unfortunate consequence of the company moving on without him.
With that being said, beating John Cena just can't garner the same kind of momentum that it used to and a lot of that has to do with how many times WWE has tried to use him as a measuring stick.
Sure, it worked in the early days when he was in his prime and was a major part of the product, but him putting guys over only to leave for an extended hiatus the next day has really diminished the meaning of it all.
Beyond that, it hasn't helped the Superstars he's gone up against at all, which was supposed to be the intended effect.