Acceptable #1: Death is used as a dramatic element in all other forms of entertainment - why not in wrestling?

The thing about pro wrestling is that it is very much its own fictional universe with its own laws of physics and rules.
Don't believe that is true? Think about this; would it be better to land on a bony, uneven object like another person or a nice smooth padded mat? Most people would say the mat, but in the world of pro wrestling missing with, say, a moonsault and hitting the mat means suffering greater injury than landing on your opponent.
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Likewise, moves like the Abdominal stretch, which look painful but in reality would be quite ineffective in real combat, are devastating moves that can make people submit or pass out from pain.
Given that pro wrestling is just as fictional as the Avengers movies, there's no reason why sports entertainment writers shouldn't have the freedom to 'kill' off characters from time to time. Game of Thrones has made an entire franchise out of killing off its characters!