Acceptable #4: Character death helped Lucha Underground differentiate itself from other promotions

When Lucha Underground began running their show, they set out to make some bold decisions to differentiate themselves from other promotions.
For one thing, instead of running year-round Lucha Underground has set seasons, like a traditional scripted series. For another, they often use surrealistic imagery and portray their athletes as being something akin to the supernatural.
During one controversial segment, a member of the Crew - something of a toady security force for Lucha Underground's evil masterminds - was sacrificed to Mantaza Cueto, who had been built up as a mix of Jason Voorhees and Hannibal Lechter. Baez was seen being grappled by Cueto through a cage, and then a splatter of blood announced his 'death.'
Whether the segment was considered to be good or not is a matter of opinion, but what is not is the fact that Lucha Underground distinguished itself from its competition as part of the bold storyline.