Not Better #1: Pro Wrestling falls into family entertainment

Almost since its inception in the modern sense, pro wrestling has been designed to appeal to the whole family regardless of age.
While there have been exceptions to this rule – both the Attitude Era and the 1970s "grindhouse" bloodbaths featuring men like Abdullah the Butcher – for the most part wrestling has been considered something 'safe' for children.
It is true that pro wrestling is simulated violence, but so are many video games and superhero movies, and those are considered child-appropriate. By creating content which was either inaccessible or not appropriate for younger fans during the Attitude Era, WWE missed the mark by not planning for the future.
After all, today's young wrestling fan becomes tomorrow's adult wrestling fan, who will possibly have children of their own, who will also become wrestling fans.
Snubbing the younger generation was a mistake during the Attitude Era, and is just one example of why the modern era is not inferior to the past.