#3. WWE Legends of Wrestlemania
WWE All-Stars wasn't THQ's first attempt at putting out an arcade-style WWE title. 2009 saw them put out a game we'll probably never see the likes of again - WWE Legends of Wrestlemania.
Legends of Wrestlemania had players recreate matches from the legendary Show of Shows - such as, for example, the WrestleMania III main event between Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant.
The appeal was giving fans the opportunity to change history, if even for a moment. Modes in the game would allow players to try and "relive" the match (get Hogan to win) or "redefine" (help Andre win). Each match was prologued with a video package summarizing the feud in the usual brilliant WWE video-package style.
The gameplay itself is... not great. Not going to lie. It tries to find a balance between the control scheme of the more "realistic" SvR series and what would eventually become the control scheme for All-Stars. They really didn't do a good job.
That doesn't mean the game is unplayable, however. It's perfectly fine, if not very intuitive. But, that's not the reason to play this one, It's the alternate history scenarios that make this a blast to play. Also, if you own a copy of SmackDown vs Raw 2009 for the same platform, a number of the wrestlers in that game were available for this one, as well.