#1 Jay Lethal

Jay Lethal has seemingly taken the mantle which was held for ages by Sting. He is arguably the longest-serving wrestler to never have wrestled in WWE. Moreover, how has WWE missed their opportunity to sign Lethal?
Since 2001 Lethal has performed for multiple promotions, most notably; ROH and TNA (now Impact Wrestling). During his career, he has achieved immense success and is the only person to have concurrently held the Television and World championship in ROH. He has achieved everything expect success in WWE.
Being 33 years old Lethal has excellent ring credentials and can perform to a high standard, most notably against; Marty Scurll and Jay Briscoe. Throughout his career, his matches have been of high quality. Moreover, Lethal's move-set is diverse, with perhaps the best Diving Elbow drop to rival 'Macho Man' Randy Savage.
Could WWE finally pull the trigger?