#3 Mini Royal Rumble won by Hornswoggle (WWE RAW 14/1/2008)

This Royal Rumble Match was truly weird. The entire story of Hornswoggle being Vince McMahon's illegitimate son was weird. However, WWE persisted with it going into 2008. The little man even entered that year's Royal Rumble Match. The actual thing.
Before the event, on the January 14th RAW, Vince McMahon decided to give Hornswoggle a warm-up match before his 'big' appearance. It was a six-man mini-Royal Rumble, which featured mini versions of legendary Superstars like Kane, Mankind, and Batista.
Hornswoggle was able to eliminate all of them and dominated the match, at least until The Great Khali entered. However, before the Punjabi giant could hurt him, Finlay ran out to protect his little friend. He sent Khali packing, which technically meant that Hornswoggle had won the match.
He entered the actual Royal Rumble at number 9 and immediately went under the ring. He came out in brief moments after that and even pulled The Miz out at one point, but did not officially get eliminated. Funnily, Hornswoggle is one of only three WWE Superstars to be a part of Royal Rumble matches featuring 30, 40, and 50 men.