#3 He was fired in 1987

In 1987, The Rockers were a hotshot tag team coming in from the AWA where they had previously held the Tag Team Titles on two separate occasions. Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty were looking to make a name for themselves in a big way in the WWF, but it wasn't long before they were wished the best of luck in their future endeavors.
Shawn Michaels broke a beer bottle over his head at a bar to prove he was tough and could party like a Superstar. Meanwhile, Marty Jannetty slept with a woman Terry Funk had his eye on and the two were sent packing.
The Rockers were brought back a year later and continued to be the babyface tandem fans know today. But the two would have gotten a better headstart if things would have worked out better for them in a political sense in 1987.