#4 Randy Orton attempts the most heinous act in recent memory and delivers a classic with Jeff Hardy

There's no doubt in my mind that Randy Orton is possibly the most sadistic of villains in the history of professional wrestling, and he has only just begun.
His feud with Jeff Hardy was downright personal since the beginning, and WWE settling it inside Hell in a Cell was only a justification that things were about to get intense.
With The Charismatic Enigma laying all on the line to dismantle The Viper, the latter did something nobody really expected, and in a way went too far from what was expected.
Randy Orton took out a screwdriver from inside the ring and used it as a weapon to twist Jeff Hardy's ear, in what looked a pretty disturbing and deranged move by the Viper.
Since the match was solely based on Orton's attempt to delete The Enigma, there's a sure possibility that WWE might tap into this heinous act by The Viper and bring in Brother Nero.