#1 Rollins buys in

By June 2014, the Shield had done practically everything that they needed to do.
After debuting at Survivor Series 2012 in the aid of CM Punk, the group of Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns dominated the company for a year and a half, at one point holding both the United States and the WWE Tag Team Titles at the same time.
After turning face in early 2014, the hounds of justice would feud with the recently-reunited Evolution, flattening the group of Orton, Batista and Triple H twice on Pay Per View.
When Batista quit the WWE (for the second time) on the June 2, edition of Monday Night RAW, Triple H promised a Plan B, and delivered in a major way.
Though fans had considered a heel turn by one Shield member, many assumed it would be the Lunatic Fringe Ambrose, or even Reigns, WWE's project who was already hinting at a push.
Instead, it was the talented, beloved Rollins who did the deed, attacking his brethren with a steel chair, in a truly shocking act that would change all three men's careers.