#4 Roman Reigns winning the title will make a big statement

The name of the game in WWE is momentum and that's why Roman Reigns winning the Universal Title at Payback would be best for business. Not only will it instantaneously cast The Fiend in a sympathetic light, but it also puts Roman Reigns' character in uncharted territory.
There may be some blowback for taking the title off of The Fiend prematurely for the second time, but that's only going to play into the hatred for Roman Reigns later. In fact it might just be the one thing that can turn the needle for Reigns' character and make him the heel that he was born to be.
This will split the older WWE crowd right down the middle with some pulling for The Fiend and others wanting heel Roman Reigns to run the show. If nothing else, that at least keeps the audience watching, lets both characters remain fresh and creates something big for the fall months of the year.