#3 Triple threat stipulation benefits Roman Reigns

There are a lot of advantages to a Triple threat match and WWE seems keen on utilizing them to benefit Roman Reigns at Payback. A lot of fans will think that three main event competitors stepping into the ring with no rules in place as insane enough, but the booking options are also noteworthy as well.
For example, what if WWE really want to go all in on this Roman Reigns heel character and have him win the title at Payback? A triple threat match between The Fiend, Braun Strowman and Roman Reigns allows the company to do that without The Fiend even needing to take the deciding fall.
In the end, this would protect The Fiend in defeat, get fans angry about him being robbed out of the title and direct fan anger towards Reigns. That would be a great situation for WWE at Payback and could go a long way in investing fans in the product for the fall months.