1: Help end The Authority
Imagine this scenario. It’s Survivor Series 2016, and the teams for the 5-on-5 match are set. It’s Triple H and his League of Nations lackeys versus a team of disgruntled superstars who want to end The Authority led by Roman Reigns.
While Titus cannot lead the team himself, he definitely deserves to be a part of it. The Authority did nothing when Vince suspended Titus so there would definitely be kayfabe reasons for him to be against them.
Being a part of the team to end the hated Authority storyline will elevate Titus. Whether he should be given an all-out push following this is doubtful regarding his age but Titus can be a solid upper midcard wrestler for WWE. Titus has the charisma, the physique and the in-ring ability to deserve a solid singles run in the future.
With art, it’s always best when it imitates life so now should be the time for WWE to capitalize of Titus O’ Neill’s burgeoning popularity and also at the same time save face for how terribly they handled the Titus situation.