#2 Jack Gallagher

Gallagher has completely done an about face since he first appeared in the Cruiserweight Classic. He was initially seen as a throwback with his wrestling attire and mustache. His matches at times were comical, as he would tie his opposition up in knots leaving them to squirm, while the audience would laugh at what transpired.
Gallagher returned to the roster after a short absence. In an act no one saw coming, he attacked Cedric Alexander, aiding the man whom he had been feuding with for some time - The Brian Kendrick.
Gallagher abandoned his tights for a more formal attire that is as much an homage to Sherlock Holmes as anything else.
However, whether playing a face or a heel, the one incredible quality Gallagher has is his ability to deliver a meaningful promo.
His wrestling has never taken a back seat, with his rich character and an arrogant English nature about him, he is someone who could easily succeed on either top brand today.