#2 Baron Corbin

Alright, alright. Put down the pitchforks. I know he's not everyone's cup of tea, but The Lone Wolf isn't as bad as you're thinking. Before landing in NXT, he spent some time in the NFL and won a few Golden Glove awards on the boxing circuit.
His main roster career has included winning the third annual Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal and capturing the Money in the Bank briefcase, which he cashed in to no avail.
Unlike many superstars, though, Corbin has no previous indy wrestling experience, having learned his craft down at the Performance Center. Nowadays, he seems to have gone from being the next big thing to floundering around the mid-card.
Say what you will about him, the guy has the look to be a star, but maybe a little time pounding the pavement on the weekends performing in bingo halls and VFW's across the country will help him develop that IT factor.