#5 Diamond Dallas Page

If your name is Page Joseph Falkinburg and you eventually beat all the odds and become one of the most beloved "cool guys" in WCW history, there's almost no question that you need to change your name.
Thankfully, when dropping his surname, he did not replace it with Diamond in any fashion, but simply "Dallas Page" in 2003.
This is more than enough to keep things simplistic and normal while also giving him the legal ability to argue his ownership in trademark and copyright cases.
Like most entertainers who adopt their personas into their real lives, Page has had his name branded on everything he is associated with (whenever possible), including his most successful venture, DDP Yoga.
Like Warrior before him, Page's children have adopted his first name turned surname, with Brittany Page and Kimberly Page thankfully never having to suffer from having the last name Falkinburg — says the writer who has a last name of a food.
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