5 Surprises that could happen in WWE in December- Monstrous return, Title change 

Could a very popular star return to the WWE again?
Could a very popular star return to the WWE again?

The final month of what has been an eventful year for WWE. I mean, this is the year when John Cena returned as the Doctor of Thuganomics, if only for one night, when the women of WWE wrestled in the main event of WrestleMania and when NXT beat both RAW and SmackDown.

So, one can only assume that the final month of the year will be full of surprises too. I am here to list a few of them out for your reading pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.

Be sure to leave a comment and let me know what you think of the list. And just in case you missed out on what happened at WWE Starrcade, be sure to read about it right here.

In any case, this is a list of surprises that could potentially happen to close out the year.

#5 Finn Balor returns to seek revenge against The Fiend but as the Demon King

Finn Balor was The Fiend's first victim and while Bray Wyatt and Finn Balor have waged many wars in the past, this one was different because it sent him packing all the way to NXT. Now, Balor is having the time of his life in the black and gold brand but at the same time, I am pretty certain that at some point, he will return to the 'main roster' to exact revenge against The Fiend.

How does he take on a supernatural being like The Fiend? The answer is actually very simple because Finn Balor has supernatural powers of his own as well! The Fiend vs. The Demon King is a very difficult match to call because The Demon King is perhaps even more protected than The Fiend.

Could Balor be the man to unseat The Fiend? I certainly do hope so!

#4 Lars Sullivan returns to action

Lars Sullivan was injured in June and it was estimated that he would be out for 6 months as a result of the same. This means that he's slated to return in the month of December and if he does return, I do hope that he goes straight for Braun Strowman starting a feud that elevates both men.

Sullivan would be a welcome addition to the SmackDown roster because there aren't too many men who can realistically size up to someone like Braun Strowman, Roman Reigns, or even The Fiend, to a degree. The Fiend has been portrayed as a monster thus far, and it seems very unlikely that someone like Daniel Bryan will realistically be able to dethrone the supernatural being.

So, if Lars Sullivan were to return in December, I daresay he could be elevated straight to the top of the SmackDown roster, almost at once. Of course, he could also be a RAW Superstar, feuding with the likes of Seth Rollins and even Rey Mysterio, because he works great against bigger men.

#3 Ziggler and Roode become the new SmackDown Tag Team Champions

WWE seems to be putting a lot of stock into the heel alliance between Roman Reigns, Dolph Ziggler, and Robert Roode. And I say this because of how prominently they have been featured in the recent weeks on WWE SmackDown.

I mean not only is King Corbin the 'King of the Ring', but Ziggler and Roode also won the tag team battle royal at Survivor Series for SmackDown, a match that many thought would not have gone their way with Street Profits and Heavy Machinery involved in the mix too!

Plus the fact of the matter is that WWE wants The New Day to win as many times as possible to be right up there with the likes of The Hardyz and The Dudleyz as the most dominant team in WWE history. And for them to achieve this feat, they will have to also lose the title a whole bunch of times.

Ziggler and Roode would make good SmackDown Tag Team Champions. Especially if you consider that they can carry the titles, while Corbin carries his scepter.

#2 The Hardy Boyz are reunited for yet another run

Not long ago, we heard music on RAW that we hadn't heard in very many months. Matt Hardy made a return to action but only as enhancement talent to put a young, promising star ever. Judging by the roar of the crowd, this was a waste of his talents and I honestly do believe that Matt Hardy has a lot to offer the wrestling world.

Now, we know that Jeff Hardy has had his issues in the recent past but he's a man who is still incredibly popular with the WWE Universe. The two men could definitely return to action again, especially if you consider the fact that The Viking Raiders will benefit greatly from working with a veteran tag team like The Hardy Boyz. Ivar and Erik are great in the ring but honestly, they need some strong teams to compete with, to stay relevant.

Of course, Matt Hardy could always become 'woken' again. But WWE has shown that they are averse to that gimmick, in the past.

#1 Seth Rollins finally turns heel

There has been a lot of speculation with regard to whether Seth Rollins is a babyface right now, or indeed if he is a heel. In fact, Tom Colohue from Sportskeeda had a very interesting take that you can hear on this very link.


If you followed what happened at WWE Starrcade, you would have noticed the massive push that Kevin Owens got. Not only did he start the show with Ric Flair on a high note, he even closed the show with a solid match against one Bobby Lashley.

Therefore, it is amply clear that Kevin Owens is being groomed to be the face of RAW and a future WWE Champion as well, from the way things are lining up on RAW. And because every strong protagonist needs an antagonist to battle against, I'm certain that Seth Rollins may decide to go heel.

This may be the need of the hour if you consider how badly the crowd has turned on him in recent days. Maybe he will have The AoP for muscle as well!

Would you like this development, ladies and gentlemen?