#1 The entire Jeff Hardy/Randy Orton match

Jeff Hardy never ceases to surprise me. He is a 41-year-old wrestler who continues to take insane risks simply because he loves pro wrestling. In a battle between two of the WWE veterans and they put on a match that doesn’t seem to fit into the current PG era. I expected it to have some high risks but it was filled with many cringe-worthy moments.
I understand that spot with the screwdriver likely wasn’t actually that painful but to see Randy Orton twist Jeff Hardy’s ear. It was quite cringeworthy.
It got even worse as it looks like Orton had part of the table punctured his leg. It was quite brutal. I am surprised Randy was able to stand after that moment.
It ended with Jeff Hardy swinging from the top of the Cell and swinging like a monkey and then face planting through the table. Ouch. Jeff Hardy is insane and he got his Hell in the Cell moment.