#2 Mansoor Wins the 50 Man Battle Royal
This was one of those rare times that the “hometown hero” actually won in his home country.
The 50 Man Battle Royal wasn’t the best idea. It was extremely difficult to tell who was in the match and who was eliminated. The announcers didn’t even tell us who was in and out of the match. It got a little better when we got down to a handful of competitors.
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We had some expected favorites like Samoa Joe, Cesaro, Richochet, Ali and Elias. The surprise was the sixth man, Mansoor. He is a Saudi Arabian NXT wrestler who hasn’t even been on television yet.
As we got down to Mansoor versus Elias it seemed real possible that the first Saudi Arabian wrestler in the WWE could get the major victory. The crowd loved seeing Mansoor win and he gave an impassioned speech to his home country crowd. Hopefully it will lead to more opportunities for Middle Eastern wrestlers going forward.