#4 The Veterans put over the younger talent
One of the biggest complaints some hardcore fans have with WrestleMania season is seeing the part-timers show up and take up main show spots from the full-time performers. This seemed to be the case with a Universal title match featuring two part-time wrestlers.
When you throw in a 47-year-old Triple H and a 52-year-old Undertaker in major feuds, it seemed that WrestleMania would be the showcase of the past again. Then the show actually happened.
I was pleasantly surprised that the part-time veterans actually put over the future. As mentioned above, the 47-year-old Shane McMahon had a good match and lost to AJ Styles.
The 50-year-old Goldberg did the job clean and lost to the 39-year-old Brock Lesnar who would at least be around in coming months to defend the title. Triple H did what he has done a lot in previous WrestleManias and put over younger talent again.
And shockingly but not surprisingly, Undertaker lost his second ever WrestleMania match and said goodbye. It was great to see the older guys do the job for the newer generation.