#4 Lana is better as a manager than an in-ring worker
Lana did try her best to become an in-ring competitor but honestly, it did not pan out in the way that she had hoped it would. Upon seeing her in the ring, nobody would mistake her for Ric Flair or Ricochet, and her in-ring career would quickly fizzle out. Thankfully, one area that she excels at is being a heel and this was something that has brought her back into the mix.
Do not forget that Lana was a big part of Rusev's original ascent to the top. The romantic angle that had been teased between Aiden English and Lana was also pretty buzzworthy for the duration that it lasted on screen. But, in this role, Lana could probably do the same for Lashley that she did for Rusev so very long ago.
Lana is a trained actress and such segments are a cakewalk for the gifted Russian manager.