#4 Jim Johnston reveals the cheesiest theme he wrote for a WWE Superstar
Despite composing some of the most iconic entrance themes throughout the history of WWE, Jim Johnston also had to create music for gimmicks and characters that were destined to fail due to bad creative.
When asked about the cheesiest entrance theme he ever created, Jim Johnston recalled one such entrance theme that he wasn't best pleased with:
"I don't know if it's maybe the cheesiest. Some guy, who was he? His theme was toilets flushing."
Dr. Chris asked if Johnston was referring to T.L. Hopper, to which the former WWE composer confirmed that he was. T.L. Hopper was part of a string of gimmicks in the 1990s where WWE characters focused on an occupation. Plumbers, hockey players and garbage men were all introduced into WWE storylines, leading to fans growing increasingly tired of the WWE product at the time.
Jim Johnston revealed that it wasn't just fans who disliked those kind of gimmicks appearing on WWE television shows like RAW. The former WWE composer explained that he felt that all characters should receive good music, regardless of their character, and their music shouldn't be too gimmick focused. Johnston also said he was glad when Vince McMahon made the decision for all Superstars to have good music:
"In truth, i hate doing stuff like that. Because I always felt like, early on there was this, the vibe was baby's[faces] got music and heels either got no music or something really purposefully bad. And I just never agreed with that. I was like, 'Wait a second, the bad guys are just as important as the good guys. because the good guys are only as good as the bad guys and the insummountable odds that they face, facing those guys.' and later you think of heels that had great themes and it's just as important. So, i think those kind of toilet flushing moments just sort of cheapens the whole product. So, i was thrilled when we, Vince, made the turn and said like 'ok from now on, everybody get's good music'"