Skip this article in case you missed the events on RAW, on the go-home show before SummerSlam 2018. I'm sure the ones who caught the action know exactly what I am talking about. Paul Heyman and Roman Reigns met in the middle of the ring, during the course of the night. Heyman tried to align himself with The Big Dog.
Of course, all of this was a ruse for Heyman to pepper spray Reigns in the face. This allowed Brock Lesnar to come in and lay a beating on Roman Reigns. Going into their big match at SummerSlam, he now has the upper hand.
But shortly before he sprayed Roman Reigns in the face, Paul Heyman passed him a letter. What could it have possibly said?
In this article, I will try to examine some possibilities and I invite you to do the same, in the comments.
#5 Nothing
Let's get this possibility out of the way first. Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar laid out a well laid trap for the Big Dog on RAW. Maybe the letter was only a means for Reigns to let his guard down, so that Heyman could pepper spray Brock Lesnar's SummerSlam opponent in the face.
This is indeed quite a definite possibility based on how the events played out during the show. It is also the least exciting possibility because it does not have any real future implications. I have a feeling that this is not how the storyline will eventually play out, as we head into SummerSlam.
I personally think that something was written on the sheet of paper that Heyman handed to Reigns on RAW. I shall explore the possibility in the remaining pages.
#4 A message written in Samoan
In my opinion, this is a very likely possibility indeed. Brock Lesnar has not been kind to his advocate, and Heyman may be considering a change in clientele. To win Reigns over, we heard how Heyman spoke to him in Samoan, before the betrayal took place. Maybe the message contains a message in Samoan, assuring Reigns that Heyman was on his side.
Not only could this message be kept a secret from Lesnar, because of the language barrier, it would provide reassurance to The Big Dog, and make him consider Paul Heyman's initial offer. It could also be a message from Reigns' own father, telling him to get together with Paul Heyman. As we know, Reigns is a family man to the fullest.
I genuinely do think that this letter angle will play out in some manner at SummerSlam. One has to just wait and watch it unfold.
#3 'I am on your side'
This is a variation of the possibility I mentioned on the previous page. The letter could have been an assurance that despite the events that were unfolding on RAW, Heyman would help Reigns win at SummerSlam. It will probably play in Roman Reigns' mind, heading into the biggest match of his entire career. Maybe this letter will factor into the finish and Reigns will become a Paul Heyman guy.
Imagine the chaos that Paul Heyman and Roman Reigns could cause, if they were to be aligned as a combined force.
#2 Revealing Brock Lesnar's weakness
Consider all the encounters between The Beast and The Big Dog, thus far. Lesnar has looked supremely confident going into each one of those contests. However, the match in Saudi Arabia where Reigns seemed to have the upper hand may have just rattled The Beast.
Why else would he wait for Reigns to be incapacitated before launching a vicious attack? I think Heyman may have told Reigns Lesnar's weakness, heading into the big match at SummerSlam, this weekend. Maybe going for his legs or hitting a spear straight off the bat, much like Goldberg did.
This will set the stage for a future partnership between Reigns and Heyman. And it would make RAW very interesting indeed.
#1 'Welcome to Suplex City'
Paul Heyman is not known to be a nice guy, especially when someone crosses his clients on RAW. Therefore, it is entirely possible that the letter was a 'warning' to Reigns, right before Heyman pepper sprayed him. I mean think about it, folks. It makes perfect sense.
Heyman may have convinced Reigns that he was on his side and Lesnar was no longer his client. But it was the letter that shattered the illusion, before the trap kicked in. Reigns was left in a heap, at the end of the show.
So, this letter was perhaps Heyman having the last laugh on Reigns. A celebration of sorts, jubilation for the perfect trap.
Leave a comment and let me know what you think the letter contained...