#2 Triple H & Stephanie get the better of Angle & Rousey

It was announced that the participants of the mixed tag match at WrestleMania will have a face-off next week on RAW. Any other time this would be the way they close the show, but RAW has three big storylines going right now, and this one sits dead in the middle in terms of importance.
Cena and Undertaker is tops, then this, and then Lesnar and Reigns sits in third. Chances are that just like this week’s RAW, the segments will be in order from least to most important. Granted it is indeed important to start the show off hot, which will happen with the pull-apart brawl, but it’s still the third most important story on RAW right now.
The big face-off will happen at the beginning of the third hour of the show (with Lesnar and Reigns opening the show, the Balor/Rollins match at the top of the second hour and Undertaker’s answer for John Cena closing), and it probably won’t be very interesting.
Triple H and Stephanie will be jerks, Ronda will be awkward and look more unsure than intimidating, and in the end, Triple H and Stephanie will stand tall. It will be a war of words that will escalate into fighting, and much like a few weeks back, Ronda will step up to Triple H, and Kurt will try to back her off, but he’ll get punched in the mouth and probably take a Pedigree.
Meanwhile, Stephanie will use the distraction to slap Ronda again, and Triple H will stand in front of his wife before Rousey can get a chance to retaliate. Rousey will eventually back down from Triple H after they have a staredown and check on Kurt.
The scene will end with her checking on Kurt in the ring while Triple H and Stephanie walk up the aisle feeling very confident about WrestleMania.