#2 Cody and Dustin Rhodes - Round 2

The next item is Cody and Dustin Rhodes. The Rhodes Brothers are booked to face The Young Bucks in a tag team match. The matchup is expected to close out the show. We know the bloodbath and the emotional battle those two men shared in the ring together at Double or Nothing. Arguably, their war was the best match of the night. The conclusion, with Cody becoming emotional as he pleaded for his older brother to team up with him at Fight for the Fallen, brought teary eyes to all fans across the globe.
We know the match between these teams will go off without a problem. Most likely, the match may be another match of the night candidate. However, I don't believe Dustin Rhodes has forgotten about Double or Nothing and would let his younger brother off that easily. Dustin had something to prove that night and he failed. He gave it his all. He lost buckets of blood. Both men wore the wounds of war on their bodies. One could say this was only the setup for a much bigger picture. After the match, we should see a heel turn for Dustin Rhodes, resulting in a setup for Cody vs Dustin Rhodes for All Out, or another AEW event down the line.
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
Therefore, in spite of what may be brewing between Cody and Shawn Spears following that vicious chair shot at Fyter Fest, I think AEW would be wise to have at least one more match between Cody and Dustin Rhodes. I personally wouldn't mind seeing a "Last Brother Standing" match (Last Man Standing) stipulation thrown in for good measure. Have the brothers duke it out, break all the rules and tear each other apart one last time to see who the better brother is.
Do you think Cody and Dustin Rhodes should have one more match against each other?