#3 High Flying Wrestling

There had been some high flying wrestling in WWE throughout the '90s, but it only came in small doses compared to WCW, so back in 2002, WWE decided to take a crack at their own cruiserweight division, hoping to replicate the success of it in WCW. However after just a few short months, they seemed to lose interest in it and high flying matches in WWE became very sporadic, from 2002 - 2007, when the original WWE Cruiserweight division came to an end.
When TNA debuted in June 2002, they presented themselves as an alternative to WWE and promoted high flying wrestling very heavily on all of their advertisement. And to be honest, they were correct in doing so as the X Division was generally the highlight of each and every show throughout their fist few years in business. We saw many death-defying moves on a weekly bases and new, very inventive match types created by TNA, such as the Ultimate X. The high flying action was incredible and would outshine WWE's cruiserweights in every way possible.
It wasn't until the WWE Cruiserweight Classic in 2016 that WWE gave another crack at high flying wrestling as a constant thing every week. WWE did have some high flying action in the years prior, but it was never on a continuous basis. The X Division remains one of Impact Wrestling's highlights every week still to this day.