#1 Introducing Lars Sullivan

Lars Sullivan, the biggest thing in WWE after Brock Lesnar as said by many.
Lars Sullivan coming to the main roster is no secret to anyone, not to me at least. After all, the man is being promoted week after week on both brands. And if you believe rumours, then here's one, Sullivan is expected to work on both brands as a free agent for an undisclosed amount of time.
He's then expected to be signed by one of the two brands.
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And seeing how the man is seen in WWE backstage he may very well be the next big thing in WWE after Brock Lesnar. If WWE wants to make him their next big guy then I think when Vince McMahon shows up next week on Raw he might announce that everything is going to change around here and to do the job he has the perfect man, Lars Sullivan.
Yes, Sullivan can be introduced as a man who will now do work for Mr. McMahon to make things better around.