#3 Use of the word "hospital" is banned on WWE television
WWE Clash of Champions 2020 saw Drew McIntyre defeat Randy Orton in an Ambulance match to retain the WWE title. However, per Vince McMahon, that ambulance was never bound for a local hospital.
This because McMahon does not want the term "hospital" being used on WWE commentary. Instead, announcers have long been instructed to talk about performers having been transported to a "local medical facility".
A possible reason behind Vince McMahon banning the term
Ironically, McMahon was involved in several hospital-based segments during the Attitude Era. The most famous of these involved "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Mankind.
There has been some suggestion over the years that McMahon was forced to adopt this rule in order to prevent fans from actually contacting local hospitals to ask about the well-being of their favorite Superstar.
The generic term of "local medical facility" is far less specific and could, in theory, refer to any number of locations.
Even if the above is accurate, it is still awkward at times to hear WWE announcers having to avoid using the word hospital.