#1 WWE Superstars do not compete for "belts" or "title shots"
A WWE internal document leaked all the way back in 2008 saw Vince McMahon declare: "We don't have belts or straps. We have Championships." The memo also encouraged the announcers of the time to talk about the meaning behind what a WWE Championship represents - as opposed to the physical belt itself.
Vince McMahon apparently hates the term "title shot"
Fast forward more than 12 years and this policy has yet to change. Per McMahon, WWE Superstars compete for "Championships" and "Championship opportunities".
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It is almost certain, then that you will not be hearing the phrases "title shot" or "belt" on WWE television. These terms simply seem not to exist to McMahon any longer.
Listen at the beginning of any recent Royal Rumble match. The announcer will always hype the prize for the winner as a "Championship opportunity at WrestleMania".
In some ways, the insistence on WWE announcers strictly avoiding these terms is nonsensical. However, it is unquestionable that McMahon has his vision of how he sees the company and, ultimately the final word on these things rests with him.
We are unlikely to see an end to several of these "Vince-isms" for quite some time.