WWE Legend, The Undertaker sat down for a rare out of character interview with Ed Young earlier this month. During the sit-down interview, Taker discussed a number of topics from the origins of his character to how he kept himself relevant. He also had advice for today's Superstars and revealed what they need to do to connect with the fans more.
Let's take a look at some of what we learned from Undertaker's interview. We also have the full interview at the end of this article.
#5 His advice for younger wrestlers
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Talking about today's generation of WWE Superstar, Taker said that although their athleticism was "off the charts", they relied on moves too much. In his opinion, he said that professional wrestling was about "evoking emotion", making the crowd either love or hate the wrestler in the ring.
Undertaker continued, saying that once a wrestler did a crazy flip, he would have to inevitably top it next time to grab the audience's attention and this could lead to greater risk-taking and injuries in the future.
Taker also said that wrestlers of today were often trying to emulate the wrestler they watched on TV instead of being that wrestler.
#4 Origins of the "Undertaker" character
One of the things Undertaker discussed was the origins of his character. He said the character was based on undertakers in old Western movies.
The Undertaker also gave an insight into why he felt his character caught fire with the audience. He said that unlike other Superstars of the era who were loud and cut bombastic promos, his character spoke in a low tone which helped him grab the audience's attention.
#3 Never being satisfied with his character
During the interview, Undertaker mentioned that he was never satisfied with his character and he always kept a pulse on what John Cena, The Rock etc were doing that got over with fans in order to figure out how it could benefit his character.
Undertaker also said that he never rested on his laurels:
"If you kind of sit back and you know, check this out 'I just sold out Madison Square Garden.' You sit on that for a little bit, there's somebody else that's climbing that's like 'okay, I'm gonna sell it out 5 times in a row."
#2 The strongest guys he's ever wrestled
At one point during the interview, Ed Young asked Undertaker about the strongest guy he'd wrestled.
The first name Undertaker mentioned was Brock Lesnar and added that Lesnar was especially freakishly strong during his debut run in the company. Another wrestler Undertaker mentioned was his "brother" Kane.
Speaking about Mark Henry, Taker said he was on a different level when it came to strength. He recounted a story from one of WWE's international tours where the tour bus wasn't being able to leave because of a car parked too close to it. Undertaker said that when Mark Henry heard of the situation, he jumped off the bus and slowly lifted the car and slowly moved it until the bus had enough room to manoeuvre and leave.
#1 His relationship with Andre The Giant
Undertaker revealed that although Andre The Giant didn't generally like 'big' guys, he was fond of the young Undertaker. Taker remembered how Andre used to always be the first guy in the locker room despite being one of the biggest stars in the company. Undertaker also revealed how Andre used to tell him about an idea he had for a programme with The Undertaker in the future at a point in the future where he thought he could get back into the ring.
Sadly, Undertaker revealed that Andre never ended up telling him about the idea and passed away a few years later.
You can check out the full interview below and leave your thoughts in the comments section: