#2. Hell in a Cell build

What we wanted to see: To cut a long story short we wanted to see Hell in a Cell matches announced. My personal preference was for Strowman vs Reigns and AJ vs Joe (the two main title matches) to be the Hell in a Cell matches. The former because Strowman doing Strowman things inside a Hell in a Cell is all kinds of exciting and the latter because the feud deserves a big payoff.
But honestly, at this stage I just wanted to see any kind of build towards the WWE's next pay-per-view. The company has a habit at the moment of coasting along on Raw and SmackDown until 'go-home' week and it does hamper hype for their pay-per-views somewhat.
What they delivered: We did get a Hell in a Cell match announced. Which is great! However, it's for, perhaps, the one feud that no-one really wanted it for - Jeff Hardy vs Randy Orton. Now, don't get me wrong, Hardy and Orton are going to put on a great match but I'd have definitely preferred AJ vs Joe instead.
Other HIAC builds that took place include Strowman cashing in on Reigns at the event, Lynch and Charlotte for the SmackDown Women's title, Lashley vs Corbin (urgh), Rollins and Ambrose vs Ziggler and McIntyre, a SmackDown tag-team tournament and Elias obviously has nothing to do, still.